This page lets you view the local and remote JRun servers that can be accessed by a cfusion server running in the multiserver configuration.
From this page you can access pages that define new, local, JRun servers and register existing JRun servers running on remote computers, as follows:
Add New Instance: Create a new JRun server and automatically deploy a copy of the current ColdFusion application into that server. Alternatively, you can deploy ColdFusion applications packaged by using the J2EE Archives page.
Register Remote Instance: Define an existing remote JRun servers to the Instance Manager for the purpose of adding these servers to a cluster. The remote JRun server instance need not be running when you define it to the Instance Manager, however, it must be running before you can add it to a cluster.
Edit ColdFusion Server: Modify built-in web server settings for a server instance.
Note: The Instance Manager page appears only if you install the multiserver configuration. It does not appear in the Server configuration. Nor does it appear when running in a J2EE configuration (other than that deployed in the cfusion server of the multiserver configuration installation option).
Available servers
Area |
Description |
Filter by Cluster |
Lets you restrict display to only the servers in a specified cluster. |
Actions |
Lets you start, stop, restart, and delete a JRun server. You cannot start or stop a remote instance with the Enterprise Manager, therefore, the start and stop icons are disabled for remote servers. Additionally, you can click the Edit icon to display the Edit ColdFusion Server page or the ColdFusion Administrator icon to open that server's Administrator in a new browser window. |
Name |
Specifies the JRun server name. If the server is started, you can click this name to open a browser window to the JRun server's web root. |
Server Directory |
Specifies the server directory. |
HTTP Port |
Specifies the port for the built-in web server. |
Remote Port |
JNDI port for the server instance. |
Host |
Specifies the host name or IP address for the server instance. |
Cluster |
Specifies the name of the cluster that contains the server. |
By default, the Instance Manager deploys a copy of the current cfusion application (data sources, settings, administrator password, and so on).
You can optionally use the Create from EAR/WAR option to create a server with a previously archived application.
To deploy an empty application, create one with the J2EE archives page and use the Create from EAR/WAR option.
To register a remote instance, the remote JRun server must allow remote access, which is controlled through the jrun_root/lib/ file.
You cannot stop the cfusion and admin servers.