The Code Compatibility Analyzer isolates any potential compatibility issues between ColdFusion 8 and code from an earlier version of ColdFusion. The analyzer validates CFML templates to detect unsupported or deprecated CFML features, and CFML features that may produce different behaviors in ColdFusion 8 and earlier versions of ColdFusion.
In the left navigation pane, select Debugging & Logging > Code Analyzer.
Enter or browse to a directory that contains the ColdFusion pages to analyze.
(Optional) Click Advanced Options to specify the following items:
Whether to analyze subdirectories.
The file types to analyze (separate multiple files with semicolons).
Whether to filter by severity.
All: Reports Error and Info data.
Error: Reports code that will not execute properly.
Info: Reports that you should consider editing, but will execute properly; for example, deprecated tags.
Whether to validate CFML. Reports invalid syntax in your CFML; for example, a comment that has an opening ColdFusion comment tag, and a closing HTML tag.
The product features to analyze.
Click Run Analyzer to display a report of the results.
Analyze subdirectories
Analyze file types of *.cfm
Filter by severity: errors
Validate CFML