* @class Ext.form.CheckboxGroup
* @extends Ext.form.Field
* A grouping container for {@link Ext.form.Checkbox} controls.
* Sample usage:
var myCheckboxGroup = new Ext.form.CheckboxGroup({
xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
fieldLabel: 'Single Column',
itemCls: 'x-check-group-alt',
// Put all controls in a single column with width 100%
columns: 1,
items: [
{boxLabel: 'Item 1', name: 'cb-col-1'},
{boxLabel: 'Item 2', name: 'cb-col-2', checked: true},
{boxLabel: 'Item 3', name: 'cb-col-3'}
* @constructor
* Creates a new CheckboxGroup
* @param {Object} config Configuration options
* @xtype checkboxgroup
Ext.form.CheckboxGroup = Ext.extend(Ext.form.Field, {
* @cfg {Array} items An Array of {@link Ext.form.Checkbox Checkbox}es or Checkbox config objects
* to arrange in the group.
* @cfg {String/Number/Array} columns Specifies the number of columns to use when displaying grouped
* checkbox/radio controls using automatic layout. This config can take several types of values:
- 'auto' :
The controls will be rendered one per column on one row and the width
* of each column will be evenly distributed based on the width of the overall field container. This is the default.
* - Number :
If you specific a number (e.g., 3) that number of columns will be
* created and the contained controls will be automatically distributed based on the value of {@link #vertical}.
* - Array : Object
You can also specify an array of column widths, mixing integer
* (fixed width) and float (percentage width) values as needed (e.g., [100, .25, .75]). Any integer values will
* be rendered first, then any float values will be calculated as a percentage of the remaining space. Float
* values do not have to add up to 1 (100%) although if you want the controls to take up the entire field
* container you should do so.
columns : 'auto',
* @cfg {Boolean} vertical True to distribute contained controls across columns, completely filling each column
* top to bottom before starting on the next column. The number of controls in each column will be automatically
* calculated to keep columns as even as possible. The default value is false, so that controls will be added
* to columns one at a time, completely filling each row left to right before starting on the next row.
vertical : false,
* @cfg {Boolean} allowBlank False to validate that at least one item in the group is checked (defaults to true).
* If no items are selected at validation time, {@link @blankText} will be used as the error text.
allowBlank : true,
* @cfg {String} blankText Error text to display if the {@link #allowBlank} validation fails (defaults to "You must
* select at least one item in this group")
blankText : "You must select at least one item in this group",
// private
defaultType : 'checkbox',
// private
groupCls : 'x-form-check-group',
// private
initComponent: function(){
* @event change
* Fires when the state of a child checkbox changes.
* @param {Ext.form.CheckboxGroup} this
* @param {Array} checked An array containing the checked boxes.
// private
onRender : function(ct, position){
var panelCfg = {
cls: this.groupCls,
layout: 'column',
border: false,
renderTo: ct
var colCfg = {
defaultType: this.defaultType,
layout: 'form',
border: false,
defaults: {
hideLabel: true,
anchor: '100%'
// The container has standard ColumnLayout configs, so pass them in directly
Ext.apply(panelCfg, {
layoutConfig: {columns: this.items.length},
defaults: this.defaults,
items: this.items
for(var i=0, len=this.items.length; i0 && i%rows==0){
this.items[i].hideLabel = false;
for(var i=0, len=this.items.length; i/**
* {@link Ext.form.Checkbox#setValue Set the value(s)} of an item or items
* in the group. Examples illustrating how this method may be called:
// call with name and value
myCheckboxGroup.setValue('cb-col-1', true);
// call with an array of boolean values
myCheckboxGroup.setValue([true, false, false]);
// call with an object literal specifying item:value pairs
'cb-col-2': false,
'cb-col-3': true
// use comma separated string to set items with name to true (checked)
* See {@link Ext.form.Checkbox#setValue} for additional information.
* @param {Mixed} id The checkbox to check, or as described by example shown.
* @param {Boolean} value (optional) The value to set the item.
* @return {Ext.form.CheckboxGroup} this
setValue : function(id, value){
if(arguments.length == 1){
//an array of boolean values
Ext.each(id, function(val, idx){
var item = this.items.itemAt(idx);
}, this);
}else if(Ext.isObject(id)){
//set of name/value pairs
for(var i in id){
var f = this.getBox(i);
var f = this.getBox(id);
this.values = arguments;
return this;
// private
onDestroy: function(){
setValueForItem : function(val){
val = String(val).split(',');
if(val.indexOf(item.inputValue)> -1){
// private
getBox : function(id){
var box = null;
if(id == f || f.dataIndex == id || f.id == id || f.getName() == id){
box = f;
return false;
return box;
* Gets an array of the selected {@link Ext.form.Checkbox} in the group.
* @return {Array} An array of the selected checkboxes.
getValue : function(){
var out = [];
return out;
// private
eachItem: function(fn){
if(this.items && this.items.each){
this.items.each(fn, this);
* @cfg {String} name
* @hide
* @method initValue
* @hide
initValue : Ext.emptyFn,
* @method getValue
* @hide
getValue : Ext.emptyFn,
* @method getRawValue
* @hide
getRawValue : Ext.emptyFn,
* @method setRawValue
* @hide
setRawValue : Ext.emptyFn
Ext.reg('checkboxgroup', Ext.form.CheckboxGroup);